Monday, February 23, 2009

Are we ready to help others?

Today, just as I finished working out after school, I see an 8th Grade boy running up to me.
He says "I just heard a car crash over there" pointing about a quarter mile away on this busy road. I say thanks and tell him to stay there as I take off sprinting. I get there and I see 3 cars have crashed into eachother. Pretty decent damage, but nothing horrific. I also notice that a police car is there, I assume he was on the road at the time of the crash. I look to make sure everyone is alright, then I wait until more authorites arrive, then I leave.
Walking back, I thought to myself "I was ready. But is everyone else?" One of the cars were all people of spanish decent. I knew what I would say. (Estas bien? Es la cabeza bien? ect.) But do other people? I knew what I would do if they were hurt, (seeing how I'm First-Aid and CPR certified), but do other people? It made me think, are we ready to help others in all ways possible?
It reminded me of the story of the Good Samaritan. When a man was lying injured, people passed him by. Maybe they didn't care, maybe they didn't have time to help him, maybe they didn't know how to help him, but they should have tried! Yet, no one did. That is, until someone despised by other men came and helped him.
How ready are we? Being unready to answer God's call to help people is ignorant and idiotic. We should ALL be ready to respond to and help others in ALL ways.

That's just my thoughts on this.

Matthew 25: 35-36, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

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